At the beginning of a new relationship it's natural to be excited and consumed by all these new wonderful feelings...but it's important to check our behaviour and not blow things before it even gets going. There are a few things that we ladies do, unintentionally, that are simply a big turn-off for men, and sends them running for the hills. Let's take a look at five of these mistakes: Number one-MOVING TOO FAST TOO SOON You may feel the burning desire to tell your great new catch you just met EVERYTHING about you. Or drop everybody and everything else in your life for him ...but resist the urge to do's why. First, guys respect a girl who has her own life, and is enjoying it, single or otherwise. Guys value an independent lady who can do her own things without being too clingy. This means that he will still have time and space to do his own 'guy' things without issues. This is very important to the male species. Secondly , not always being availa...
Love, relationships, romance, self love, self-improvement.