'Men are from Mars, women are from Venus' I'm sure you've heard this before. It's a saying from the title of a well known book. Men and women are certainly different. There are deep biological and psychological differences between the sexes...more than most of us appreciate. Maybe a handbook on this would save us a lot of the heartache we go through in life trying to find our ideal mate. Some of us are lucky enough to just find that one that is perfect for us.-most of us aren't though and have to go through a lot of heartache and disappointment. So perhaps an education in understanding the opposite sex would pay off more than wading blindly through the dating jungle with our fingers crossed. Gender Roles and Pressures Guys and girls certainly have a difference in opinion over certain things and often give the other a hard time. -A lot of that comes from not understanding the different psychological and biological differences, and the PRESSURES and expectation...
Love, relationships, romance, self love, self-improvement.