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Showing posts from September, 2021

Are You A Nagging Wife?

Really? Who actually thinks they are, or is going to admit to being a nagging wife or girlfriend? Does anybody realise that they nag? Well, first of all , What is nagging in a relationship? I personally used to think it was a word made up by men to describe any words or sentence they didn't like hearing from their partner :) But actually, it has a definition and here are a few:  According to Google 'nagging in a relationship is characterised by persistently reminding your partner to do something',  or   'persistently annoying or finding fault with someone. ' or   'to annoy someone with constant demands or complaints.  So we can sum it up as constantly reminding our partners to do something in an annoying and complaining manner rather than just as a simple polite request. What causes 'nagging'? Life is stressful, and especially once kids are in the picture there is a never-ending list of things to  do. If one partner is not pulling their weight it's v...

What do good men look for in a woman?

There are certain things a good man looks for in a woman to make him feel that she's 'the one'. A lot on the wish list are things that we ladies would desire from our man.  But then there are desires that are very different psychologically and biologically, from the male perspective. Let's look at 14 things a quality man looks for in a woman. 1. Kindness,loving nature. A good heart, kindness and compassion is a wonderful quality in a woman. These qualities are of course very important because it impacts almost everything else. A woman with this quality is more likely to be more accepting, understanding and work with her man even in bad times. 2. Confidence Men want a confident woman that believes in herself. Belief in yourself is an attractive quality. You need to know yourself and stand for what you believe in. Real men do not want a woman that's a pushover. 3. Smart A quality man wants a woman that is smart and can stimulate his brain as well as everything else! A...