Really? Who actually thinks they are, or is going to admit to being a nagging wife or girlfriend? Does anybody realise that they nag? Well, first of all , What is nagging in a relationship? I personally used to think it was a word made up by men to describe any words or sentence they didn't like hearing from their partner :) But actually, it has a definition and here are a few: According to Google 'nagging in a relationship is characterised by persistently reminding your partner to do something', or 'persistently annoying or finding fault with someone. ' or 'to annoy someone with constant demands or complaints. So we can sum it up as constantly reminding our partners to do something in an annoying and complaining manner rather than just as a simple polite request. What causes 'nagging'? Life is stressful, and especially once kids are in the picture there is a never-ending list of things to do. If one partner is not pulling their weight it's v...
Love, relationships, romance, self love, self-improvement.