You can't buy class.
It comes from the inside and radiates out. It is your inner substance combined with your outer personal style.
A 'Classy lady' is a woman of substance with poise and grace.
What are the qualities of a classy woman?
-Being a classy lady is all about your substance, mannerisms and how you treat others, combined with your individual style. It is more about this than material things or what you have.
A classy woman is a High Value Woman with dignity and with style.
Being a classy woman goes much deeper than appearance.
A classy woman is not superficial or materialistic. She has strong values and excellent manners. She uplifts and delights others with her kindness and compassion.
1.First of all she is kind, considerate, thoughtful. caring and accepting.
2.Classy lady has self-esteem. She is quietly confident, humble and never arrogant. She also has boundaries and would not tolerate ill treatment or disrespect.
3.She values and respects others.-She takes a genuine interest in others, their interests and cultures. She is a wonderful listener, learning as she does.
4.She reads to broaden her mind , keeps ahead of current affairs and is knowledgeable in breath and depth, being able to engage in wide topics of conversation.
5.She is organised, timely and punctual, respecting other people's time.
6.She does not divulge too much information about herself, she keeps an air of mystery by doing this. A classy lady does not need to talk non stop. She does more listening.
7.She looks elegant and does not disappoint when she opens her mouth.
8.She makes time for herself and her interests, is happy and content in her own company because she has worked on herself, and likes herself.
9.A classy lady is never loud, she is not trying to draw unnecessary attention to herself. She conducts herself with gentle manners.
10.Classy lady is articulate-she expresses herself fluently and eloquently.
11.She nourishes her mind and spirit. Practicing self improvement, positivity, exploring life, travelling(even locally, whatever her budget allows) and always learning.
12.A classy lady does not partake in gossip and unkind acts. Instead she encourages other women to be their best. She does not compare herself to others and appreciates each persons individuality.
13.She never brags or tries to impress others with what she has, or has achieved.
14.She is always courteous and even when upset is controlled and tactful, never mean. Her mood does not affect her manners. She is careful not to cause embarrassment to others.
15.She is genuine, trustworthy and a lady of her words.
16.Classy lady does not use vulgar language in public. (Some of us are natural cursers so if you are just keep it in your head ,or wait till you're on your own and curse to your heart's content :).
17.Classy lady speaks calmly, never shouting.
18.Classy lady dresses appropriately, she does not reveal too much skin, and leaves something to the imagination. She can do sexy while keeping it tasteful.
19.She is poised ,has good posture and moves gracefully.
20.She is not afraid to have a dress sense of her own that compliments her. She engages with timeless individual style rather than following the crowd with 'in trend' fashion. She chooses quality fabrics and garments and co-ordinates them well.
21.Instead of engaging in arguments she uses tact and grace to diffuse hostility or confrontation.
These are some of the characteristics of a classy woman.
She is a pleasure to be around!
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