You may be surprised to learn that men are just as romantic and wait for it.. even more romantic, than women. This is backed by scientific research. Yes, men really love and appreciate romance, despite their outward demeanour.
For some of us, being affectionate and romantic comes naturally. Others may have to make that conscious effort and get into the habit of it. Remember it's an investment. You are putting in good will, good energy and demonstrating love by being romantic. This will water and feed your relationship and help it to grow stronger and happier.
We all like to experience love in our own way. Some of us appreciate touch more, some value gifts or acts of service , such as the husband helping round the house more or wifey organising hubby. Check relationship counsellor Gary Chapman's book, 5 Languages of Love.
There are so many simple ways to keep the romance alive in your relationship, and just by doing some of these little things regularly, you maintain that all important connection with our partner.
Men in general, particularly love physical touch, such as a kisses and hugs. They are often expected to be the initiators but ladies don't be afraid to take the lead. Don't wait for the romance you want in your relationship-make it happen!
The bonus also is that by showing him romance you remind him to romance you. It's definitely worth the effort.
Here are some very simple ways you can romance your man and create that magic and closeness in your relationship.
-Make him tea or coffee in the morning
-Kiss and hug him for no particular reason
-Kiss and hug him when he does something nice for you
-Run your fingers through his hair
-Get his clothes for the day ready for him
-Organise his wardrobe or drawers
Pamper him.
-Bring him a cold drink
-Cook his favourite meal
-Have a candle lit dinner
-Take him out for a meal
-Cuddle up close on the sofa when watching TV
-Lay your head on his chest
-Use scented candles around the house, especially in the bedroom (be safe!) to create a romantic ambience.
-Play music and dance around together (especially the ones you both love, or that bring back happy memories)
-Play soft romantic music, smooch with him
-Give him a foot massage, or a full body one!
Build him up.
-Pamper him completely some days and especially when he looks stressed or had a bad day.
-Let him have a say, and take the lead, in at least some, household decisions
-Listen to him and make him feel that his opinions matter
-Praise him
-Show your appreciation for any help he gives you.
-Respect him, always build him up, support him, never belittle him
Flirt with him, seduce him.
-Dress sexy for him
-Smell great, eg wear perfume for him
-Send him romantic and naughty texts
-Send him raunchy texts
Remember to play.
-Share silly thoughts
-Text him jokes
-Give him space for himself. For example, going out with his friends and not calling or texting to distract him while he's out. Allow him space in the house for his own 'manly' expressions or interests.
-Do things together
-Play with him, his game, not the one you choose , the one he loves. This may be a card game, a board game, video game, go watch a football match, go golfing. This will give him immense pleasure and satisfaction.
-Ask for his opinions on things and ask for his help generally, this makes him feel needed and that he matters.
-Share your inner thoughts and desires with him, this is really powerful in bringing the two of you closer
-Spend regular quality time, like weekly date nights or go out for breakfast.
-Be spontaneous! Take him by surprise-unplanned is very romantic !
Use the things he likes to be particularly romantic. If he's into football, and you buy him something related to the team he supports that will mean even more to him..
So men need romance just like women to feel loved, valued and fulfilled. And by also making the effort to understand what your partner loves and values the most , you can help to make him feel especially content in your relationship.
It's not always easy when life is so busy and demanding...But
don't wait for him to be the one initiating things, give your love and affection generously, especially when you know he's worth it. He will start to copy soon enough, if he isn't already.
A very important factor for relationship happiness is showing your man respect. This is very important to a man. They see this as love. Showing your man respect makes him feel valued and loved. Learn more about male psychology.
Your relationship is a like a garden. Make the time and the effort to nurture it, water it, weed it, pay it attention, and it will grow and blossom into something beautiful you will both value and treasure for years to come.
And if you want to blow his mind with extra naughtiness click here for his full satisfaction.
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