Healing Quotes For An Aching Heart.
Life is a journey filled with joy and pain.
These healing poems are to soothe and comfort the brokenhearted.
You will pull through.
Love yourself a little harder.
Give yourself time.
Original poems by Bobi N.
Those that have the most love in their heart
Tend to give it to the least deserving who rip it apart.
Your love had me delirious
Floating high on pink clouds
Then you left me to freefall
O how hard I hit the ground
Broken bones, shattered heart, ripped, shredded skin
Near death, but the spirit within, and love for myself
Lets me know I will win.
Oh this loving heart
how many times will you be broken?
Stay soft and giving, or protect yourself and harden?
But a heart was made for loving
Hide it from the thieves that take and leave you nothing?
Deny it its joy and freedom?
Wrap it in fear for longest time?
Now would that be the crime?
'Cause this heart needs to throb, and just be.
To love is its purpose ultimately.
Life is a journey
A journey of growth,
self-development and discovery.
A deepening journey,
questioning and searching for answers.
The journey brings us joy
It also brings us pain
With the joys, we laugh
With the pains, we grow.
We must dig deep
to find the seed of strength within.
With the right thoughts, faith and hope..
that seed will push through and bud
To become a towering flower of strength and wisdom.
O life,
I'm trying hard to understand thee.
I'll give you faith, hope and patience.
Til one day you will finally make sense to me.
Hang on in there
You will get through this
Take it slowly, step by step
Day by day
Feed your mind with positive words and thoughts
Yes it's hard..
Ask your Angel,God,the Universe to help you.
Whichever you choose
Don't blame yourself
Be kind to yourself
You are learning
You are growing
Just like a gaping wound needs time
So does your heart.
Be patient
You WILL heal.
There is a seed of strength within
Dig deep and find it
Feed it positive thoughts and words of hope.
With constant nurturing
That seed eventually
Will blossom into
a beautiful flower
- a new YOU.
Wrap up your heart warm
Layer it with compassion, keep it giving.
Do not let it become frostbitten
With the harshness of life's living.
You were born with a kind and giving heart
Hang on to this.
Don't let the world turn you mean
Or you become like the rest of the loveless.
You fell in love, into a wonderful trance
Then so rudely awoken
Jolted, shook, eyes forced open
Fog headed, stunned, need to stir
But wipe your eyes,
Awake, shake off the haze
Stand on your feet
You will adjust ,ahead of you
Lie wondrous days
You gave him your heart
He gave you words
Words with no sincerity
Now the truth is laid bare,you are no longer blind
You must pick yourself up
and march on, one step at a time.
Life can make you bitter
But your TRIUMPH comes
from staying and becoming
the person
YOU want to be.
The power is in BEING
and not the negative product of
others' actions.
YOU are wonderful.
Stay wonderful.
Let those negative experiences
make you greater
not bitter.
Thank you for the good times. They were amazing!
You've been a wonderful chapter in my life book.
But now I must close you.
I'm grateful for the time.
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