Healing Quotes For An Aching Heart. Life is a journey filled with joy and pain. These healing poems are to soothe and comfort the brokenhearted. You will pull through. Love yourself a little harder. Give yourself time. Original poems by Bobi N. ********* Those that have the most love in their heart Tend to give it to the least deserving who rip it apart. ------- Your love had me delirious Floating high on pink clouds Then you left me to freefall O how hard I hit the ground Broken bones, shattered heart, ripped, shredded skin Near death, but the spirit within, and love for myself Lets me know I will win. -------- Oh this loving heart how many times will you be broken? Stay soft and giving, or protect yourself and harden? But a heart was made for loving Hide it from the thieves that take and leave you nothing? Deny it its joy and freedom? Wrap it in fear for longest time? Now would that be the crime? 'Cause this heart needs to throb, and just be. To love is its purpose ...
Love, relationships, romance, self love, self-improvement.